I shall examine my stand (I am a naturalist and function morally as a humanist) as according to the 12 virtues of rationality,
Curiosity (you really need to know) -> Yes! I do!
relinquishment (give it up if it is false) -> I will be more than happy to. On the issue of morality, if God/s convincedly spoke to us about its existence, it would be great for me to know that there is an afterlife and rewards for morality and then we would also have an objective morality with which to operate from. This may hopefully unite more of us too. This would also reduce a lot of the heartache and philosophical disputes that we have. Then again in the darker conceptions of such a happening, I can imagine that some groups would be convinced that the God/s were truly God/s and not acknowledge them and even seek to destroy them (given that they do not wish to live under their fixed system of morality and absolute authority).
lightness (you must have no fixed position before deciding on an issue. if not, you are a 'lawyer' and not a 'judge') -> my position has changed quite a bit along this journey as I have been more informed. I have not had a fixed position and am still in the process of ultimately deciding. I was once a believer in the supernatural due to a lack of scientific knowledge and family background. Later, I studied religions more in depth and seeked to find commonalities in morality. Then I realised that some religions clashed with each other for the truth of God. I was still convinced that we had souls and that there was something uniquely special about humans. I then went through an existentialist patch and came out better with the understanding that although nothing definite was currently dictating a meaning for my life, I could dictate one for myself. Then I had to decide what that was. Through grief and disappointments, I realised something. That on a cosmic scale, I was not all that special and thus it was arrogant for me to consider myself too much. I should then be concerned more about others rather than myself. But I still held the conviction that mankind was special. So I wanted to study all I could about mankind's origins and nature. From anatomy, anthroplogy, sociology, psychology, neuroscience, biochemistry, astrophysics, biology and philosophy, I realised the beauty of it all. We were special! This was because we were connected with every other living creature and we are fortunate to be alive and part of this biological experience. And that this meant that my humanist morality should seek to uphold this special experience with our fellow humans (even though others may not think as I do with regard to the conclusions of the hard sciences as they may believe in other systems to inform their conclusions because this was secondary to their biological experience: life)
evenness (you must not argue for one side.... you are the judge and not a hypothesis) -> I must seek to be more even. I think that as of late, I have become more of "lawyer" for naturalism as I find their arguments more compelling and with evidential backing. I have found the arguments for supernaturalism often tainted with greed, hypocrisy and inter-faith bickering. I need to think more about this virtue and decide how best to be more even.
argument (you do not have to end with a balanced judgment. let reality be the test) -> thus far, reality is swinging in favor of naturalism. and given that reality does not yet accord a supernatural realm, then humanism is the most moderate and tenable position of morality to me.
empiricism (observe and predict. Do not ask which beliefs to profess, but which experiences to anticipate) -> I totally agree. I am a reality-based individual both in fight, moral and cognitive philosophy. Facts are testable in which experiences can be anticipated and observable with accuate prediction and therefore explanation.
simplicity (When you profess a huge belief with many details, each additional detail is another chance for the belief to be wrong. Each specification adds to your burden) -> Occam's razor. Just like in many facets of life, I go with the dictum "less is more", "smooth is fast" and "K.I.S.S"
humility (Who are most humble? Those who most skillfully prepare for the deepest and most catastrophic errors in their own beliefs and plans) -> I do not confess to be correct. Nor do I confess to be the only one who is correct. I will guard against the possibility of the folly of my own ways by equally granting others the freedom to expression and thought. Moreover, no one system is privileged and all are open to critical analysis.
perfectionism (The more errors you correct in yourself, the more you notice) -> I must strive more in this area.
precision (the evidence which is more useful is the one which has exposed itself to a stricter test) -> science and human experiences has proven thus far that most supernatural claims are not useful with experiments and tests (even challenges by skeptics such as Randi) which can be replicated for confirmation.
scholarship (study for as long and as much as you need) -> reading and learning more each day and loving it!
the void. (to embrace and live a life of rationality in which all qualities should be striven for in equal importance with one another to achieve the utmost rationality) -> I must truly understand this. I admit to currently not understanding/ being able to imagine the full meaning of this virtue and in the future, I will aim for this. :)