Though the logic on this quote is warm and fuzzy on a first read, it fails in critical logic and theological grounding on subsequent readings. The God in question is the Christian God and it is omnibenevolent. It wants the best for mankind. It is also omnipotent. All that happens to anyone is within its control. An omnibenevolent being would never visit any physical or psychological pain on us (his creation out of love) for the sake of us knowing it as a healer, comforter and ultimately just as proof of its existence. Why does it need us to know its existence if it is omipotent? Why inflict pain upon us if it ultimate wish for us is love? Being omnibenevolent, it should possess selfless love and want what is best for us regardless of its own being. So the above line of logic is oxymoronic.
Secondly, if we interpreted the pain, sadness and imperfection in life as a test, then it makes more sense. But still,the logic fails given that an omnibenevolent being would never cause any pain....test or not.
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