Thursday, June 28, 2012

Be responsible in the public sphere as a critical thinker

 When in doubt, critically examine.
This is an external process which should be open to criticism from rational counter-agruments and draws in more sources of information for you to make a more rational decision thereafter.
I highly advocate against praying to alleviate or doubt which is internal and therefore devoid of other rational counter-arguments which would serve as test of validity for one's stand. It also does not draw upon any new sources of information. Thus these two limitations would hinder the progression towards making a more rational decision.
And I was quite appalled by this. You can call me an intellectual prune if you want but my logic is that since his 'personal' view which now is the public sphere, it should be presented without at least some degree of evidential support. Al...most all the claims that he makes are entirely unsupported and therefore presenting it in a schematically logical pattern gives it the false image of critical thought. And if his personal views are shared in the public sphere and if he is highly aware of the fact that he has a 'following' and an ability to influence, then it is his academic responsibility as a critical thinker to provide at least some degree of evidential support as to why he reached his personal view. So that anyone who may be influenced by his personal view has the equal academic responsibility as a critical thinker to examine the logic which culminated in his view and decide whether or not to be influenced. This will reduce the probability that anyone take his public 'private' view to inform their own position without first critically examining it.

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