Friday, June 15, 2012

Humanism is not moral relativism

Humanism is NOT moral relativism! Our goals (to promote and uphold human flourishing for as many of our fellow men) and methods (discussion, negotiation and teamwork) will not be compromised.

Why wait for or posit an external source for an objective origin of morality when we can decide one together for ourselves as a species? We are ACCOUNTABLE to each other and our future generations thus we need to be the ones to work together to forge an objective origin of morality. Can we be objective? Yes! We CAN and MUST be impartial to acts of immorality which threaten the well-being of members of our species, our species in general, our humanity and our greater environment.

Why thwart our moral progression as a species with the concept of “objectivity” when we should be more concerned with “universally held” moral values? Nothing and no one can be truly objective. (All are subjective as influenced directly or indirectly through their historical, cultural, political and economic legacies and environment.) We can better achieve ‘objectivity’ by attempting to minimize subjectivity through discovering, upholding and promoting universally held values which aim at inclusiveness and agreement.

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