Thursday, May 10, 2012

Pascal's wager: Does God exist?

An adjustment to Pascal's wager: Does God exist?

His original probrability was 50-50. And he went with the pro-God side because he felt that the consequences of him going with the 'wrong side' are 'too terrible to imagine.'

1) Now the first problem that I have with this probrability is that one should never believe in something because of fear.

2) I agree with his 50-50 probrability since we cannot prove or disprove the existence of God. However, the 50% (for God's existence) then needs to be further divided up by all religions existing and of past which argue for the sole validity of their God/s. Now a lot of people contend with me the division of that 50% is unnecessary and unfairly dilutes the probrability. Sad but true, this means that they consider some or only their own concept of God/s to be valid and others to be not. This can only arise and be acceptable from a position of 'privileged confidence'. I however need to be fair and take all claims to God as equally valid and invalid since I cannot prove or disprove them.

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