Monday, May 14, 2012

How to choose the ONE CORRECT religion part 2: a simple objective study

Errors Quran 2670 videos

Errors Christainity 1950 videos

False Judaism 2900 videos

False Hinduism 2180 videos

False Buddhism 2190 videos

This is not an exhaustive list of all religions. This was just the search yields over youtube (as of 15 May 2012) with the above search fields. Now let's go about the simple process (one online source) of choosing the ONE CORRECT religion by virtue of the truth it claims and holds ok? This will be simple. Trust me.

Not all videos are reliable critiques. But aren’t all claims worth viewing first and then dismissing based on certain characteristics? But before that, you need to understand the background story: you would have to study up on and understand the motivations based on social, economic and political history from antiquity to date so as to set up a comprehensive list of characteristics to which you would use to help you identify which videos are “not worth investigating”.

Then step two is to view all videos and classify them into “worth investigating” or “not worth investigating” based on your criteria from above.

Then next, all non-dubious claims must be investigated which means you must study up intensively on all religions, literature, semantics, languages, history, anthropology and science of all such claims in question.

All non-dubious claims which are valid must then be sufficiently matched up with defending arguments from the ‘religion under attack’. With which you must examine each counter-argument for its validity and dismiss counter-arguments which are invalid.

Repeat process till you reach an end-point for each religion’s attack on another religion until all attacks in the above videos have been dealt with.

Weigh all evidence based on a scale of reliability and accuracy of each religion based on commonalities of rationalism that you can find among all religions.


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