Sunday, May 13, 2012

Proof for evolution (lecture from Jerry Coyne)

Direct predictions

Adaptation is the engine for speciation and gives the “look” of design. Speciation in lineages shown by transitional forms

Timing in fossil record is accurate to theory of evolution.

Retrodiction also support evolution.

Commonalities exist in embryology (even dolphin embryos first develop with four limb buds)

Lanugo on human embryo similar to our other primates. This hair is later shed.

Vestigal features can be found in many animals which are common to all in their lineage.

Bio-geology support the distribution and speciation of living things.

Bad design exists in all living things and testifies to evolution because the process cannot be taken back to the drawing board and can only be added on (e.g human prostrate gland).

Natural selection is very slow and does not happen in all species. But over 300 cases have been found in the wild. (e.g the finch)

DNA similarities exist across all living things and coincide with predictions of speciation.

Complexity in our design is an indication of evolution for design could have achieved the same effect with much less complexity.

"Falsification tests"

DNA structures would have been different.

Biogeology would show species that should not belong.

Altruistic behaviour would exist between non-relatives.

Fossils would be found in the wrong geological strata.

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