Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ghosts which haunt the living are bullies

My rational and legal reasons not to be afraid of Ghosts (if such things do exist) You have a right not to be hassled by anything, living or non-living! Do not allow anything to bully you! The living have rights and these rights should be protected over the rights of ghosts because we are perishable, unlike ghosts.

The dead should not infringe upon our rights given that they are in a privileged position of being less encumbered in many issues such as physical fragility, legal and societal obligations. For example we bought a house, we paid for it in REAL CASH (which means a decision in opportunity cost)! The ghost may haunt it because he/she bought it previously but they have died and thus that legally nullifies their ownership of said property. Why then do they have the cheek or right to bully you out of the enjoyment of your rightfully acquired property?

Many would say that Ghosts are other-worldly and they can hurt you but you can't hurt them. Well, think about this logically. They may be able to take your life but look that bully in the eyes and say this, "I will make you PAY!" Because once you are dead, you are on an equal footing as them. Then you can take your sweet revenge on them or better still, the things/ones that they love without any legal consequences. Set a precedence and let all of their kind know that the living will not take things lying down anymore! A
nd if they do haunt the living for psycho-social reasons like being 'lost', then they should get over themselves and sort out their issues. Even the frail living are expected to do so, these spirits should be accorded no special privileges to behave like assholes and take their problems out on others

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