Wednesday, April 4, 2012


From 2009 onwards, I decided two things: to boycott Teachers' day and never to have any class greet me for compulsory reasons. Today, I will write mainly about the farce that is TEACHER'S DAY.

No other profession declares a day for themselves, traps a captive audience with compulsory attendence in an event to celebrate themselves and build a culture that indirectly compels that captive audience to lavish them with gifts of appreciation.

What about caretakers' day (people who take care of our dying in the hospices and elderly in nursing homes)?

What about paramedics', doctors' and nurses' day (people who save us, help fix us back to health and comfort us when we are ill and injured?)

These two groups of people truly are in NOBLE professions who deal with death and suffering and fight to keep us alive and healthy.

Dear teachers, if your profession is as noble as it claims to be, then do not celebrate yourself in such a manner. Do not expect or force students to greet you before every lesson to show respect. Earn the respect and receive willing greetings from students as friends and not as an authority figure. A sincere greet beats a whole class of false greetings anyday. Just keep doing your job everyday with silent personal conviction like the two groups of everyday heroes above. You will still never be quite as noble in terms of the challenges they face daily but at least you won't hypocritical either.

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