Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Academic excellence

Why are we so upset and surprised when our kids show examples of poor moral action and selfish behaviour?

Our education system is focused on excellence as a product. Thus we reap what we sow. Academic excellence is a personal endeavour that seeks to accomplish personal gain in spite of competition. There must be a winner and there must be a loser and it is game. Even non-academic areas like CCAs ...are about achievements. If it won't garner an award, let's not have it. Whatever happened to fun, passion and exploration? All clamor and claw to be winners and this naturally breeds selfish behavior.

And let's be honest. We as educators too have been socially programmed to look at students through such lenses. Ever caught yourself saying or thinking,"Hiaz. He is not a good student (meaning to say that he doesn't do well in academics) but he is an okay boy. He doesn't mean anyone any harm." Should it not be the other way round: he is a good boy in heart and mind but just not that academically-inclined.

Give it up. Stop telling our kids that their goal as students is to score good grades. Instead, why not tell our kids that their goal as students is to learn how to do good for others. Every step that they take in learning any knowledge or endeavor (in whatever field that they are interested in) is for the end product of helping others; not being rich and successful in the future. There is no competition; there are no losers but only winners as we all strive to better each other's existence.

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