Sunday, April 22, 2012

The evils of religious apologists

Religious apologists consistently look towards the newest scientific discoveries and try to align their aliterative interpretations with such discoveries. When the leading experts thought that the earth was flat, religion gladly supported it with their intepretations. Intellectuals who said otherwise were killed. Then when science proved otherwise, religious apologists rushed to re-interpret their phrases and show that it STILL MADE PERFECT SENSE.

The problem with trying to use science as a factor to prove God's authorship on a book is that if Science changes or discovers that a certain theory is wrong then this would prove that this book can't be from God.

But Science has no problems with being wrong, a wrong theory is just one more door shut in the face of untruth and is in fact beneficial for Science. The biggest issue that I have with religious apologists is that they do what they do in order to convince non-believers that their faith is indeed the correct one. They mislead others and I have a serious problem with that.

Next, this also clearly shows that they are silently convinced that they are correct and others are on the other hand wrong. This silent confidence in their privileged position divides us as a species.

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