The mad- people who, by not playing the game, makes us wonder what the game is.
Indeed why the rest of us have consented to play it?
They are the Cultural outlaws or odd prophets who are unable or unwilling to follow rules.
The term "Mad" is also normally used about someone when their sociability begins to break down.
Talking about madness, in other words is a way of talking about our preferred versions of a life that we protect and nurture or prefer to be rid of
A Conundrum about "Mad" people: are people mad because they are isolated or are people isolated because they are mad?
In their isolation, the mad are dispossessed individuals who are prevented from adding to the stock of available reality. This raises the question of powers of representation and its influence on who society terms as "mad".
In other modern accounts, madness can also be understood as a person’s ingenious though debilitating self-cure for the obstacles thrown up by his individual development
"Madness" is then the ways that we have found to protect ourselves or cure ourselves- defences, symptoms, eccentricities- both the problem and solution
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