Now, truth is valued in speech and action. Because it serves as a guide to our need to predict and make stable the external environment. Only when we consider the environment stable , can we make the most optimal of choices.
When we speak of personal mottoes/ principles, we are in effect pledging and communicating a stability of our actions.
So consider Love, which as we all understand now is an unconditional act and emotion.
When we say that we love someone, it is our ethical responsibility to mean it.
Next, consider the case of privileged position. When we speak of anything and pledge of any action, let it never be from a privileged position.
When we speak of and pledge a positive action, it may have good origins (principles, desire, motivation). But a good origin does not necessarily translate into a good action.
We may not be at fault for our dispositions and character but we are definitely responsible for our actions and their very real consequences upon others.
A privileged position never bears truth because it does not test our actions in a case of otherwise. Thus we should never speak of and pledge a positive action from a privileged position unless we have the means to test ourselves and prove our pledge true.
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