Now I recall when person A was cheated on. The following will be a recount of the physicality and psychological aspects of emotional and mental pain that person A felt. Interesting as a recall experiment.
I have to stress once again that this reading requires emotional and philosophical maturity. If you do not possess the following, please do not read on.
Firstly, A remembered feeling very debased, very belittled and very wronged. This was of course due to the fact that A was partly basing his self-worth on the socially-prescribed ability of the male to remain in control of the situation and not be taken advantage of (by the female partner or another male specimen, which would even greatly debase his worth).
Secondly, A recalled the intense taboo mental visualization of the coupling of his partner with the other male specimen. It was very gut and heart-wrenching and obviously a sight from which he wanted to pry his mind's eye away from. But this is where it gets interesting and perhaps I will need a psychological reading for this on top of the philosophical investigation that I will carry out soon. At the same time, he wanted to and reveled in watching it in all its grotesque horror. This will require more analysis.
He wanted to feel the pain swell up at the point in his cranium just behind the bridge of his nose and the spot manifested itself so physically that he wanted to claw at it just to rip it out from the sockets of his soul.
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