Now I should not waste my thoughts so I will include it as an entry. I posed myself this question while invigilating 2/6 one day.
I understand the soul as the realm between and of the mind and the body.
Our SOUL is the agent that is truly you that is operating from within a physical shell.
The SOUL is however, closer to the mind. It encompasses of our memory (if deficient, it must at least be functional to be able to remember of ourselves as an entity), thoughts, feelings and our mind's voice (self-awareness).
Our SOUL exists in a private realm within which we possess a private identity and undergo private experiences. This private realm is very important as it separates us on a level from the external world and allows a calm space in which we can exist as a entity with a rational WILL.
I think that the existence of our Soul is given a push with Language and thus our Mind's Voice. Language arms our Mind's Voice with conceptual tools to term our experience, to give it meaning (direct or laden).
Without Language, emotions and experiences would and may be stuck at basic feelings.
Thus from here, we can see that Language (semantics) plays an important role in our interpretation of emotions and experience and thus our idea of our SOUL as well.
How many times have we heard the expression, "An old SOUL"?
So far I have only been analysing the idea of the SOUL from a very physio-psychological view point. More importantly, do I believe in the SOUL as an entity that is seperate from our physical body. I will be back later to write about this. I have to consider more about this.
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