Ok, before I go about the description and analysis of this dream. You must understand that your reading of this post must be abstract and mature. This is a thought process. Not a stance or reflection of myself as a person. So please approach this from a mature analytical and philosophical position, I stress.
In my dream, I was in a camp situation and there was this girl who caught my eye and vice-versa. I was showering in a uni-sex toilet. Do not ask me why but the floor of the shower cubical was slanted higher towards the door. So I was soaping up close to the door when I realized that she was in the toilet too. And she was stark naked at this point and smiling at me. She knew very well that I was aware of her nakedness but she did not seem bothered in the slightest. At this point of time, I felt compelled to talk to her and so I initiated and we made small talk.
Then she was sitting on the small patch of green behind the toilet, staring out at a field from behind the fence. So I joined her. There we sat in silence lest for smiles at each other.
At a moment, I asked her, "Can I kiss you?" She replied, "Can I?" We both laughed and continued staring out at the field but never did kiss.
Very wierd, spontaneous, neutral and yet warm. Before you dismiss this as lewd and pornographic and mentally prosecute me, read on.

Now let's analyse it.
The fact that we were both naked has a philosophical and psychological meaning. We were as we are. As Nishitani Keiji argues, "Remove the substantial ego and contradiction disappears with it. True and direct communication between two human individuals, but without anything being communicated..each in knowing himself essentially knows the other." With no emotional posturing, no hidden agenda, we were "free from guises" as it is.
We were sexually attracted and knew it, recognized it and were honest about it. Once we were honest about this, it ceased to be a taboo pleasure. In our mutual nakedness, we re-subjectivised and rehumanised ourselves away from mere sex objects for each other.
Mere companionship and the presence of the other was then the main concern and it allowed for pure and simple delight.
The whole "meaningless-ness" of the situation and conversation then made the mundane special. It made the otherwise socially-recognized and upheld norms such as "propriety" and "gender roles" all melt into the background and exposed the beauty of pure and simple human connection.
The actions of this girl was pure "free agency" in motion. She bridged the moment by positing herself as an agent. Only then did I move past my "ego" and inhibitions as a person and connected with her from the position of a subject-object standpoint.
The last point about the kiss may leave you perturbed. What is the beauty behind a missed kiss, you may ask? It is not the kiss that is important, it is the meaning behind it which is of importance. Thus we did "kiss" and affirm our affection for each other, albeit not physically because emotive human connection is boundless and extends beyond pure physical action.
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