So I am trying to construct a level whereby we can love from the Best of Both Worlds.
To love from a position of "I-in-not-I" and yet experience "Hypersentivity".
But then I realised that the only way to make this possible is to reconstitute "Hypersensitivity" since this is born out of an inability to handle the subject-oject dialectism so this would only serve to negate the first level.
What then will take the place of "Hypersensitivity"?
"Hyper-consciousness" will take the place! And this is highly in line with the apprehension of the subject-object dialectism of reality.
Why so? Allow me to explain: with an understanding of the subject-object dialectism, this posits us in a state of "Hyper-consciousness" and in turn we will recognise the fragility and finitude of all our actions (romantic relationships included)
The inescapable finitude of romantic relationship arises because even if both parties understood how to overcome the subject-object dialectism as individualsm they would still be bounded/ enacted upon by an object (individually or as a couple-unit collectively).
Sounds pretty bleak? Ah, there is where the weak-willed give up. In fact, it is in the presence of such finitude that true selfless love can occur.
Hence, we will overcome "Vulnerability" when "the absence of Romantic relationship" is understood as a condition that gives meaning and gravity to the presence of "Romantic relationship".
This will in turn inform reciprocal appreciation and result in honest and valued actions. There will be then be no need for emotional games and leveraging.
Another positive aspect to be born out of this is Spontaneity of action since in light of finitude, we would "love like everyday was our last" and "as if we have loved once and wrong before."
If we ever think that this is of a purely unrealistic level, Nishitani Keiji reminds us while it appears “higher”, it is in fact the most immediate and down-to-earth form of experience.
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