Monday, September 22, 2008

I have to ask myself PT3

I have never been an atheist. But like I always say, you can never love something/ someone without questioning your love for it/him/her.

Ultimately for me, as a realist-moralist, does God need to exist?

Yes. From God, there comes religion(in its multitude of forms) which at the core teaches and preaches for behavior and actions that are in line with my "moral man" theory. This would increase the prevalence of "free agency" which would in turn bring about moral progress, even if they do not fully understand, so long as they act, they are still effectively contributing.

Secondly, "comfort-seeking" is important. It alleviates nihilism that would run counter to "free agent" behavior and moral progress for humanity as a species-being.

Yet, No. God does not need to exist to justify the very real need for man to love and respect each other as a species-being.

But "Emotion is stronger than Logic", so it is "better"if God exists.

What then is my idea and ideal of God?

God, for me, is truth (in which I will find love and respect for my fellow human beings due to uncompromisable and undeniable similarities between us as a species-being).

I can find God in the vast and incomprehensible expanse which I should and can strive towards so long as I recognise the fragility of my known intelligence and mind and open my mind. I will then be in progress towards the truth.

Thus I realise that since I can never fathom God as a being. I can only grasp nuances of God as a ideal. I thus find myself more concerned with the end goal of knowing God.

If I live according to this convictions, I know that I will be at peace as an individual and with humanity and with God.

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