Monday, September 22, 2008

I have to ask myself PT2

We were at the question of the human mind and whether it was distinctly human?

To solve this puzzle, I realise that I have to find the reason for this "Exceptionalism" of the Human mind. I need to find out why we evolved as such. Was it a coincidental miracle or was it all because of conditional factors? Are we truly exceptional?

But before I head down the anthropological path. I should better define the distinctive qualities of the Human mind.

Ultimately, it is our exceptional quality to conceptualize on the abstract plain that has allowed us the ability to think beyond the corporeal. This has perhaps enabled us to conceptualise a God.

This ability also aided our development of language which allowed for knowledge to persist and for discourse to stretch beyond physical constraints.

But we had to have the aid of other exceptional mental faculties. Please take note that the effects of these faculties often are blurred. Below, I am just trying to categorize it neatly.

Other exceptional faculties of our Human mind which perhaps aided in the creation of God are as follows:

The recognition of ourselves as individuals
, this led to the conceptualization of our "will" and in turn allowed for "willed and calculated actions" which meant that we possessed rationality.

Our sense of memory also allowed us to gain appreciation of Time and to act to our calculated actions and identify cause and effect.

We were also able to overcome the "pleasure principle" and with this, it gave greater prominence to our rationality and calculated actions.

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