Tuesday, September 16, 2008

3. The Antichrist: At tea with my old teacher

As I reread my old teacher's arguments, I laugh, I scratch my head and I nod at times.

My old teacher is brutal towards what he does not deem fit. But we still have some similarities even though I am now what he would call a moralist since I find myself a realist-moralist. So our lines still do cross at times.

"The value of a thing sometimes lies not in what one attains with it, but in what one pays for it- what it costs us."

I totally agree. Thus my understanding that the realisation that there are root commonalities in man as a species-being and in turn objective truths and morals must be a personal struggle and as Frankl rightfully pointed out, men often achieve this through "fire-walking".

"I saw all their institutions evolve out of the protective measures designed for mutual security against the explosive material within them."

And if we never go beyond this mechanistic operation of civic education and behavioral-conditioning, then we will never overcome the "explosive material". This is why we both are against organised religion.

"A virtue has to be our invention, our most personal defence and necessity: in any other sense it is merely a danger."

This is pretty self-exemplary and goes on to supplement the above two assertions.

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