Saturday, May 24, 2008

tian yan and me part two

thank you for sparing this more thought

in a sense, i know it eats at you as it eats at me

i ve more or less understood the various different theories which you have shared with me and i see the differences and similarities

here are some of my responses to your questions/ worries

having acquired a little bit of the understanding and feeling my understanding, it is then true
. what can i do? what must i do? i honestly do not know. there are some many things which i can do to help others feel it for themselves. but likewise i can't. bcuz i m still bounded by my identity and its constraints in our world. which is very real. so i realise that i cannot be fully moral man, but now i ve also realised that most importantly i can act as don who has an insight into what it means to be a moral man. this means conducting my self without ever forgetting what it means to be a moral man.

i had a development the next day. n i drew in the idea of 1st level and 2nd level pain and how 1st level pain (which exists in the social realm) blinds us to the pursuit of conquering 2nd level pain which is the greater pain. i fear i cannot fully explain it here. it needs to be face to face and with diagrams.

let's think of a way to make this happen.

on another level, my fren and me are solidifying our ideas and we realise how we must touch on love. which is so nebulous and complex. and this is of atmost importance because many of us think we know what love is. love has been bastardised sadly.

"People think they have found the Real Truth and then stop there. What they
actually found was the Truth that prevents them from experiencing the Real Truth,
as you mention. What you want to do, is humble yourself and realize that there will
be more truths reaching towards the Real Truth, and every time you made the discovery, it is just Truth. If you choose to just settle with Truth, there is no experiencing Real Truth."

i am so happy that you have typed this. i am happy to be sharing this journey with you whereby there are no experts, no masters, no superiority. only moral men

"You mention that it is the "Fleeting Anxiety" that cause this Real Truth
moment to be beautiful and rare and it is meant to end, or die down."

it is important that we choose to let it die down. remember that with regards to the real truth (or an inkling of the real truth), dying is the beauty. not only is it the beauty, it is the key. we must not be complacent or placated by that inkling, we must keep thinking, experiencing and keep being moral man.

i also like how you have brought in a new conceptual term: "Idea" (Not the same Thought). this is also where i bring in something new. when you were trying to understand, and you started paraphrasing and reconceptualizing, i felt that you too were trying to feel. but because you were not feeling (as of yet) you were unconsciously allowing more thinking to replace the gap left empty which otherwise would have been occupied with feeling. then and there i saw how postmodernists, existentialists and nihilists fell into the trappings of paraphrasing and reconceptualizing to the point whereby they started creating their own truths. i think the point is that we must always stay humble before the "expanse", embrace our "anxiety before the expanse" and never be too quick to think that we know.

on another note, have you read mcluhan yet?

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