Saturday, May 24, 2008

Tian Yan and me part four

yes, the parallelism is there

the "Self-Actualization" stage is the highest in the pyramid.- here, for me, i see self-actualisation as species-actualisation when we all see the common ground of being man and start playing the common game of moral man

"If everything we need to survive is presented in a cheap way, such that everybody can afford it and can have it, we would have rise above the safety needs and go to the Self-Actualization.
Just look at how water has become cheaply available to most of us today. If majority of us can now have cheap, drinkable water, how hard is it to have cheap renewable energy? and renewable,passive income streams to support your immediate survival?"

i agree to this. thus a realization of mine is that those of us who have had an inkling into the real truth can help alleviate each other's 1st level pains in any small way that we can in daily life.

however, another problem in contemporary modern life is that we cannot see what our true wants as opposed to our needs is. this is socio-cultural with a lot of help from the capitalist system. hence our 1st elevl pains are compounded when we cannot obtain what we "must have".

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