Saturday, May 24, 2008

Tian Yan and me part three

"i had a development the next day. n i drew in the idea of1st level and 2nd level pain and how 1st level pain (which exists in the social realm) blinds us to the pursuit of conquering 2nd level pain which is the greater pain. i fear i cannot fully explain it here. it needs to be face to face and with diagrams."

Actually, I do have something to say which I neglected.
And you kinda reminded me about this with your passage above.
I don't get everything with the jargon, but when you talk about "levels",
I see some parallelism.

Remember Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs?

Now, Abraham Maslov only documented what he OBSERVES.
Many people treat it as a law or something. Now what many textbooks
forgot to reveal is that there is actually something above the "Self-Actualization"
stage. Most of the time, the "Self-Actualization" stage is the highest in the pyramid.

Anyhow. If you are stuck with an assignment due on Friday, you could not have
broken passed the perceived emergency and start to have your epiphany (FEELING).
You told me that. And at this stage, you had no pressing deadline to meet which gave
you the space to keep in that detached zone.

Hence, if you are stuck in the "pain of the social realm" like you coined it, on the Maslov Hierarchy of Needs, you are talking about the Social or Affiliation needs, which prevents you from going higher into the state which allows you to Self-Actualize and stay with that epiphany.

Am I getting what you are saying based on what I shared? gets better.

I know how to "Make It Happen"

Mark Joyner talks about Freedom Agents. For the world to be a better place, every one
must be free from their immediate survival, financial problems. When that is done, they can channel every energy to the more Self Actualizing efforts, or in this case, get the FEELING.

Before you think about having to first curb World Hunger, understand that we just need to hit a critical point of Freedom Agents before the world starts to breed more of the Agents.(boy...I'm getting close to Matrix stuff)

Do you know what that critical point is? Based on scientific studies, most of the time, a critical point is reached when a little over 4% is converted. Water starts to boil when just 4% of the molecules have enough energy to become gas. You will see some bubbles, rising from the bottom of the pot (4%)and suddenly it starts boiling.

If everything we need to survive is presented in a cheap way, such that everybody can afford it and can have it, we would have rise above the safety needs and go to the Self-Actualization.
Just look at how water has become cheaply available to most of us today. If majority of us can now have cheap, drinkable water, how hard is it to have cheap renewable energy? and renewable,passive income streams to support your immediate survival?

"on another level, my fren and me are solidifying our ideas and we realise how we must touch on love. which is so nebulous and complex. and this is of atmost importance because many of us think we know what love is. love has been bastardised sadly."

James Arthur Ray has a very simple definition of love.
"When we love something, we are just giving our attention to it."
Where we place our attention, we love.

e.g. If all you think is how miserable you are, guess what, you fall in love with your misery.
Remember the first time you fall in love? Notice how consuming it is to keep think about that person all the time, having your attention attached to her?


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