Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Time And Music

According to some religious teachers, quantum physicists and philosophers, Time is non-linear. It is Relative.

We only experience linear time because we are trapped by our physical limitations (of speed), perception and mortality (our lesser copy of Real Time).

These are all beautiful explanations and the trappings of linear time are what makes us human. This is the one medium that adds gravity to all our actions. Some may argue that this perishable quality of our existence robs it of all meaning. I beg to differ, given that I view the seeking of truth not as a linear journey but a non-linear experience that exists and survives with us as a species. And even if we were all to perish, the seeking of truth holds importance for us as a cognitive force within the limits of all universes (us and what may exist beyond linear time).

But yet, the value of truth-seeking suddenly seems to be nothing but a self-comforting activity unless we remember that real time is non-linear. And that we could already have discovered more than we could imagine at this possible moment. But yet if we do not discover in this moment as we are meant to, the pieces will not fit in the puzzle of non-linear time.

I wonder if I can write music to express the idea of this? Two opposing rhythmic melodies traveling at "light speed" in opposite directions?

http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/local/scisoc/time/chennotes.html ( a simple explanation of Block universe view of time and its negative effects)

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