Now this makes a lot of sense and yet reminds me of the imperialism of the eurocentric conception of time, cause and effect that I have been educated to accept.
The Mayans held a tenseless theory of time in which the past, present, and future all
Time exists as a circuit; future and past flow equally, always meeting and being
united in the present moment.
The Zuvuya is the source of the objective “now point” that accommodates subjective experience.
It is eternal because the present exists at all times, as did the past and future.
The present state, then, is rather a subjective view from where one exists on the
circuit of time.
Interesting point to note that the 13:20 ratio allowed the Mayans to conceive and calculate fourth-dimensional time while Einstein and contemporaries are unable to do so due to the euro 12:60 ratio. How true this is I do not know as I am no mathematical whizz.
Amazing that the Mayans have over 30 calenders of synchronization and had been able to predict cosmic happenings up to the year 2012 with precision.
The author argues that our adherence to the Gregorian Calender's systematic disharmony of physical time has created complexity in psychological time—being conscious of physical time as well.
From http://www6.miami.edu/studorgs/confluence/ConfluencePDFs/Fall_2004/submissions/brown_13moon.pdf
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