Sunday, August 31, 2008

4. Time and Space: More on Nonlinear time- it continues

As three-dimensional beings, we perceive time only as a result of memory. We remember what was as a variable interval from what is now. If we had zero memory, we could not detect time - we would exist only for the moment. The result of this is our apparent perception of time as a linear line, always going forward.

Objects whose X, Y, Z axis change (objects in motion) do not exist in time linearly. You cannot change your position in the X, Y, and Z axis without also changing your position in T in a nonlinear fashion.

A perceived fixed object (a stone lying on the ground, a building, a mountain) does move as a consequence of movements through space (Earth orbital, geologic, etc.) and the force moving the object through time. So, even perceived fixed objects move within the space/time continuum - there are no true stationary objects.

For human beings, Tx is our linear perception of the passage of time. We ignore Ty and Tz, as we cannot perceive them directly.

* Thus this inability to perceive both Ty and Tx are locking us in a 3 dimensional conception of time. Therefore, we cannot access nonlinear time as it is out of our conceptual grasp.*


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