Friday, November 27, 2015

The truth about Fats (BBC documentary)

Some fun facts that I learned from the above mentioned documentary.

Fatty meals affect one’s blood sample. The cloudiness of the plasma indicates how much fat is infused into one’s blood.

We can MRI scan for our fat content and the distribution of the fat. Fat deposits right under our skin and our organs.

In a healthy diet, 1/3 of our calories should come from fats. Very few foods contain no fat at all. Even vegetables contain a bit of fat.

Fats make food tastier by soaking up flavor and releasing it more gradually in our mouths.

Saturated fats from dairy products are less harmful than saturated fats from processed meats.

Healthy fats such as Omega 3 are found in fish. Some fishes store their fats in their flesh and therefore when we eat them, we receive their omega 3. We can dry out microalgae and eat it and get their omega oils and nutrients.

A diet lacking in fats means that our bodies need to supplement from other energy sources and therefore we may have to eat more of other foods. Stomach issues may result and energy levels may dip when we cut excessive amounts of fat from our diet. Pre and post fat diet eye tracking showed that volunteers subconsciously target and crave food that contains larger amounts of fat. 

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