Wednesday, June 25, 2014

"wear white"?

Another logical fallacy to point out on the same issue from this article

Another logical fallacy to point out on the same issue from this article.

“Return to Fitrah”, meaning innocence or nature -> "Naturalistic fallacy" OR "Appeal to nature fallacy" which logic is as follows: "...the assumption that because some quality or combination of qualities invariably and necessarily accompanies the quality of goodness, or is invariably and necessarily accompanied by it, or both, this quality or combination of qualities is identical with goodness. If, for example, it is believed that whatever is pleasant is and must be good, or that whatever is good is and must be pleasant, or both, it is committing the naturalistic fallacy to infer from this that goodness and pleasantness are one and the same quality. The naturalistic fallacy is the assumption that because the words 'good' and, say, 'pleasant' necessarily describe the same objects, they must attribute the same quality to them."

Simply put, whether something is natural or not has no fixed bearing on its goodness. Many natural things are harmful to us. Many unnatural (synthetic) things are good for us.

But if you wish to defend the logic of this slogan based on the term "innocence" as per religious understanding, then that is acceptable within the religious rationality of the community (if the meaning of the term "innocence" is agreed upon within the religious community).

Correct me if I am wrong but the religious meaning of "innocence" here points to the "original goodness"/ spiritual purity of an individual as how God created man (as according to the respective creation narrative mentioned) thus pointing to the problem of "nature VS nurture".

We cannot yet judge (from a non-religious point of view) the "nature vs nurture" argument in relation to one's sexual orientation as we just have not arrived at any conclusive evidence for either side of the argument yet. Therefore we should not then come a hasty judgement and continue to work to find the true answers as per critical thinking and then collectively come to a solution about the issue as per democratic principles.

Now I know some of my religious friends may take offence to this but a logical fallacy is a logical fallacy regardless of whichever individual of whatever faith used it. So I hope you see past any affiliations and just treat it as an issue of critical thought and logic.

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