Friday, June 27, 2014

--Science of lust--

*good stuff from another NOVA documentary*

Men will act out in 'louder' mannerisms when attractive women are about. This is known as 'peacocking'.

Men also demonstrate more artistic creativity after coming into interactions with attractive women.

Women will demonstrate more kind actions when attractive men are about.

Men are designed to be lustful more often and get lustful easier so as to be more evolutionarily successful. Women tend to take longer and are less inclined to be lustful because the costs of choosing a wrong mate would be higher. 

Being in the presence of an attractive woman hikes the testosterone levels in men whether or not they consider her a prospective mate.

Some people are hypoactive sexually and often describe themselves as asexual. Others are hyperactive sexually. They have a mutation on a gene which controls dopamine.

People when primed to think about love rather than lust were more inclined to push away relationship alternatives and stay faithful. Love is an evolutionary design to get us to attract and be attracted and mate. Love on the other hand enables us to stay together to raise offspring.

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