Of course I had to do certain things in order to live among your kind. I did not interact with matter as you do. I only interacted with most material in your world in what your scientist termed as 'weak interactions'. It seemed to imply that I did not possess the ability to connect on a deep emotive level with any matter or any being. The sad and plain truth was that I did not repel and attract like most charged particles. Or at least I did not do so with most of the matter in your perceived reality. It was just not my style. Thus to prevent myself from free-falling through the empty spaces in your world of EM interactions, I had to wear a specially designed suit made out of a few meters of iron. This stopped me from being muonic. But yet at the same time, wearing and moving around in this awkward suit made me what you kind called "moronic".
So sometimes I recalled slipping out of my iron skin and just existing. Since I already knew of your kind, I could contemplate and imagine your existence. I often occupied the same physical species with your kind and your matter without you ever knowing I was there. This was blissful times. I could be without judgment. This parallel coexistence was not a trick. It was not science fiction. It was just a matter of size. I simply slipped in between the room that existed within every atom of your universe. No, I never felt that I was being selfish since there was space for about 100,000,000,000,000 parallel atoms like me to live within every atom of your universe. As you can imagine, there was plenty of space. Whoever said that size doesn't matter?
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