However, the state's highest state is the preservation and intensification of the race as a community of physically and psychically homogeneous creatures, this then is the fundamental condition of all human cultural development. The perils of racial mixing as put forth by Hitler have already been discussed in the previous posting. His German Reich must embrace all Germans and assemble and preserve the most valuable of basic racial elements in this people so as to slowly but surely raise them to a dominant position.
The Folkish state must then undertake certain "positive interventions" into the lives of their citizens. Firstly, Hitler states that it raise marriage from the level of a continuous defilement of the race and give it the consecration of a institution which produces images of the Lord and not half-apes. It must declare unfit of propagation those who are visibly sick and diseased or mentally handicapped.
Education focuses on physical training for a citizen with firm character and strength is more valuable than an intellectual weakling. Boxing is to be encouraged as it imbues and nurtures the spirit of attack, lightning decisions and trains the body in steel dexterity. Once the German child passes through school, it does not mean that the state's right to supervise its young citizens suddenly ceases. This right is a duty and is equally present at all times. Education for the males in its broad outlines serve as a preparation for future military service. Only then will the army be the rightful last and highest school of patriotic education. Whereas for females, it culminates in their role as future mothers.
The German soldier must have superior training in peacetime and have self-confidence in his superiority and the invincibility of his people which will not be lost even in the terror of the greatest battles. During military service, the boy will be transformed into a man and learns to obey and later command. His citizen's diploma is earned by completion of his military service which admits him to public activity and his health certificate confirms his physical health for marriage.
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