Previously in the attempt to trace the realm and origin of the conception of the soul, I stumbled upon a roadblock (so as to speak). I asserted that "the existence of our Soul is given a push with Language and thus our Mind's Voice. Language arms our Mind's Voice with conceptual tools to term our experience, to give it meaning (direct or laden). Without Language, emotions and experiences would and may be stuck at basic feelings. Thus from here, we can see that Language (semantics) plays an important role in our interpretation of emotions and experience and thus our idea of our SOUL as well."
But I was wrong. Rather, I was too quick to conclude. After reading the chapter, "The Horminid that talked" by Maurizio Gentilucci and Micheal C. Corballis in "What makes us Human?" (Charles Pasternak, ED), I came to appreciate the significance of speech. Speech advanced communication and language from a primarily visual form (a "schematopoeia" that holds parallels between sound and meaning)to one that possessed the ability to arbitrary symbols and laden meanings. In fact, biologically only humans have adapted this "gift" of speech in bio-mechnical design (neocortical system developed or precise vountray control of the muscles of the vocal cords and tongue).
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