Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Our Newtonian concept of space is limited

1) Space is not inactive. It is an active actor which is interwoven with time and dictates how things move. Gravity is the shape of space-time itself, almost like a rubber sheet and has curvature. It has been tested and proven true with an orbiting gyroscope called "Gravity Probe B" around the earth as its axis shifted as predicted by Einstein's theory.
2) Space is relative. It acts with time in corresponding fluctuation to keep the speed of light constant. Because no matter how fast you travel, you will find that the speed of light is constant.

3) Space is not empty. At the quantum mechanics level, particles are constantly popping in and out of existence and annihilate each other. It also contains the Higgs field with which accords particles thier mass. This is be tested in the Hadron collider.

4) Space is expanding. This is because of dark energy. 70% of the weight of the entire universe is dark energy. Dark energy could continue to pull the universe further and further apart such that the universe would become cold, dark and lonely. The expanding pull of dark energy could also tear apart everything within the universe from stars to planets to matter of all kind.

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