Summer is such a beautiful time of the year. Flowers bloom. Fruits ripen. (describe children tossing their books and pencils aside as they ran into the streets to watch the parade floats pass their houses. Welcoming the arrival of a carnival.) Carnivals come very often to (town name) the whole year round. (town name) is the best place for entertainers to entertain. (town name)'s folks are the most (welcoming/ helpful/ cheerful/ fun) Performers make a lot of (money/revenue) in (town name. They love this place so much and sometimes they never leave. Even though the folks are (fun), they have a very close relationship with God because he is the one making the town rich. They are very fervent Catholics. (Describe their resentment towards taboos, blasphemy)The crops never dies out. The river never dries. Disease comes and goes but never stays long making the people strong, rich and prosperous. They ostracize/ cast out/ exile/ banish criminals. Sometimes when it gets too personal, they tale the law into their own hands. Because it is their town and the people do all they can to keep it safe and prosperous.
Loud thuds of long handled hammers knocking nails into the earth. Large men hoisting up canvases and ropes. (Describe a tent falling apart)Putting together tents can be quite frustrating and chaotic sometimes. Especially when you are missing a few helping hands. (At the corner, fat Jim sleeps. Slapped by his brother) The site of the carnival is by the sea by the cliff. The winds bring the fresh scent of the ocean waters to (brighten up/ refresh) carry the workers' sweat away and (revitalize/cool) their bodies.
Away from all the noise, the rustles of construction, at the corner of the cliff stood a tall white steeple. A light house. It used to be busy. A place to warn incoming ships of the sharp coastal rocks.
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