Friday, July 18, 2014

Recognise that you are being MANIPULATED


Why are there no Singaporeans writing open letters to ministers asking them to make a stand on the Iraqi crisis?

Why are there little/no (not that I have seen) posts which merge the Singapore and Iraqi flag?

There are war crimes (civilian casualties and wanton executions) happening right now in Iraq too. And the scale of the situation in Iraq is larger than what is happening in Gaza.

Simple. the besieged in Iraq are not as adept as Hamas (which allows the Palestinian people to be besieged for their benefit) at playing the politicking and "rally around the flag" game.

"Mr Mahmoud Abbas, the sometimes moderate, often ineffectual leader of the Palestinian Authority, just asked his rivals in Hamas a question that other bewildered people are also asking: “What are you trying to achieve by sending rockets?”"
"In reaction to these indiscriminately fired missiles, Israel has bombarded targets across Gaza, killing more than 100 people so far. Compared with violent death rates in other parts of the Middle East, the number is small. (More than 170,000 people have been killed in the Syrian civil war to date.) But it is large enough to suggest an answer to Mr Abbas’s question: Hamas is trying to get Israel to kill as many Palestinians as possible.
Dead Palestinians represent a crucial propaganda victory for the nihilists of Hamas. It is perverse, but true. It is also the best possible explanation for Hamas’ behaviour, because it has no other plausible strategic goal here."

Sunday, July 13, 2014

-----The futility of prayer-----

The logical fallacies with regard to the act/concept of praying = Post-hoc rationalising + Patternicity + Agenticity + "Wishful thinking" fallacy + Credo Consolans + confirmation bias. In addition, the efficacy of prayer and its implied supernaturalism defies all known laws of Science. Lastly, the efficacy of prayer also has never been studied and proven mathematically and scientifically.

When I was younger and experienced pain/crisis, I remember making pleas and bargains with a "higher power" to help me and those involved because it was a natural thing to one had instructed me to do this but I did. It was so natural, like it was a reflex action of sorts. I communicated with this "higher power" through my mind's voice.

Now that I am older and more critical, I don't do this anymore. I recognise that pain is either an emotional or physiological response/marker and focus on bettering the condition. How do I console myself? Things could be worse, which is always true. And others may be experiencing worse than me. Many are definitely experiencing and many have experienced worse than me.So I am always lucky/luckier. In addition, I am lucky to even be/have been alive and part of the beautiful evolutionary biological history of our planet.

And if I were to not succeed in overcoming this pain, I will die (at worst). And dying is nothing to fear. Sure, the pain if any to be endured when dying is something that any being with self-consciousness and a functioning nervous system would want to avoid. In addition, the emotional and psychological ties and tasks that we leave behind is something else that we seek to avoid. Beyond this, why is death nothing to fear? Well, simple. Ask you remember anything before you were born? No. That is exactly how being dead feels like. NOTHING! You wouldn't even know that you are dead. (Anyone who does combat sports and has been choked out/knocked out would know what I am talking about, :P)

And if I were to know that I was to die. Sure. I will be sad....but I promise myself that I will only be sad for a while. And I will then rally myself to spend my last days add value to the lives of others. As much as I have taken and benefited from others during my existence, it is then my moral duty to give back as much as I can and it would be selfish not to do so when I do know that I am going to die. That would be a good death.

Divine guidance? Divine inspiration? Spiritual consolation? Spiritual strength? These all originate from your mind and your mind is but a product of your brain which means that you have everything that you need in yourself to find strength and inspiration to overcome adversity.

So the next time you encounter pain/crisis.....Pray? Nah. Get off your butt and do something productive and tangible. Positive actions WILL improve our world

Sunday, July 6, 2014

--More on Animal intelligence---

More good stuff from NOVA documentaries.

Bonobos and Chimps can cooperate on tasks but chimps will stop cooperating if the rewards are placed in one container. Bonobos will still go ahead and cooperate and share if the rewards were placed in one container.

Chimps can learn to ask for help when faced with tasks and help human researchers with task (which they understand the goal of).

 Chimps also can understand the actions of other chimps to be good and/or bad...they will then sabotage the other chimps if they did a bad action and innocent chimps would not be punished.

Chimps can also learn to recognise numbers as symbols and how they ascend/descend in pattern.

Apes learn by copying. There is a group of chimps who have learned (via copying) how to make and use spears to hunt bush-babies. They also have learned to enjoy taking baths in shallow water bodies. Thus ape groups have culture.

But emotions and impulsive actions deny chimps greater success in cooperation. Chimps consistently are unable to control choosing bigger rewards even though they were always given less as a result. The understanding of delayed gratification and better control over our emotions give us the edge in cooperative tasks.

Dogs are less volatile, more interested in human behavior/actions and more tolerant towards humans as compared to wolves. Border Collies are even able to make inferences when the information that they have doesn't gel with the orders that they have been given. The gene CTNND2 in the dog genome is found in the genome of Border Collies and is important in humans for cognitive development.

Octopus can learn how to undo puzzles in order to get to food. They also use their mental processing in order to put on camouflage to deceive predators. Pattern, color (brightness) and 3 dimensional shape are accomplished by octopus in 7/10s of a second. Octopus have also used environmental tools to hide and ambush prey: this shows cognitive planning.

Alex the parrot (1976-2007) was an ordinary bird who was trained by Dr Irene Pepperberg with items and names. He was very inquisitive, could make requests and identify similarities and differences. He could even combine symbols in new ways to create meaning (he termed cake as "yummy bread" when he first tried it) and simple maths. He had the intelligence level of a 5/6 years old child.